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Defra ELMs trial in Hampshire, manifesto tracker, volunteering

Writer's picture: efteceftec

In This Month's Newsletter:

  • Supporting Local Land Management for Nature in Hampshire

    • Our work for the Defra Test & Trial ELM Local Advisory Board

  • UKNEE Launch Manifesto Tracker for Climate and Nature

    • Quickly and Easily Compare Party Commitments on Specific Environmental Issues

  • eftec goes out!

    • Speaking on Green Finance at Groundswell and Volunteering


Supporting Local Land Management for Nature in Hampshire

Our work for the Defra Test & Trial ELM Local Advisory Board


a map of hampshire, from the report

In June, we presented our natural capital assessment report to the Hampshire ELM Convenor Advisory Board. This Board was set up as a Defra Test & Trial to showcase how a multi-stakeholder Board can set local priorities for land management in the county by considering the multiple benefits and aims of land use. We were amongst good company to support the Board, including terra firma, Environment Systems and Land App.

We supported the Board in identifying ecologically sensible, economically beneficial opportunities for land management and use improvements that are aligned to policy objectives, acceptable to other stakeholders, and fundable.

To do this, we:

  • Presented the baseline state of natural capital, its benefits, and the environmental costs of current land management practice in the six Natural Character Areas (NCAs) that comprise 90% of the county’s land area.

  • Provided risk and opportunity mapping (with partners Environment Systems) to identify and prioritise land management changes that can halt and reverse biodiversity loss, environmental degradation, and adapt to important pressures such as climate change.

  • Presented the opportunities for improvement in each NCA in a Strategic Business Planning Framework, to enable the Convenor Board to make judgements on local priorities, with potential to adapt the framework for business planning by individual landowners.

  • Illustrated the scope and potential scale for funding these opportunities, including both private and public funding sources.

This information is also useful for ecosystem service providers and buyers. The reactions of the former group were tested via a series of consultation meetings by Land App. 

More information will be available on our website soon, but you can read the executive summary here.

Defra ELMs trial in Hampshire


UKNEE Launches Climate and Nature Manifesto Tracker Tool

Easily Compare Party Positions on Specific Environmental Issues

screenshot of the manifesto tracker tool

With just over a week to go until polling day, UKNEE, which eftec helps operate, has launched a climate and nature manifesto tracker tool.

Policies are broken down into simple, clickable tables to allow for easy comparison and to help you quickly find issue areas of interest. The tracker analyses the manifestos of the five main national parties: the Conservatives, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party, and Reform UK.

The tables are separated into six broad areas, with further details as you click:

  • Net Zero & Climate Policy

  • Fossil Fuels

  • Renewables, Nuclear, and Energy Policy

  • Land, Seas, Food & Nature

  • Housing

  • Transport

Click here to browse the manifestos tool or read UKNEE’s full response to the manifestos, including a comment from the RSPB Nature Positive Economy Team, here.


eftec Goes Out!

Speaking on Green Finance at Groundswell and Volunteering in Hackney

group pic of the team with wheelbarrows and shovels

This month, we once again volunteered for our local council, spending the day litter picking and getting our hands dirty to help maintain our local parks with Hackney council.

And while the gates have opened at Glastonbury, we are more interested in Groundswell: The Regenerative Agriculture Festival! Today, eftec’s own Natural Capital Accountant, Duncan Royle, will be attending Groundswell to join a panel discussing ‘What does good Green Finance look like?”. The purpose of the session is to explore what ‘good’ green finance is, showcasing the work the Wildlife Trusts and others are doing, and highlighting opportunities for farmers and landowners. The session will also touch on what high integrity buyers want and how landowners can avoid greenwashing.


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