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Natural Flood Management Benefits Valuation

Title: Natural Flood Management Benefits Valuation

Client: Environment Agency

Year: 2017

Service area(s): appraisal & evaluation

About the project:

eftec led this project to produce monetary estimates of the contribution of different types of natural flood management (NFM) schemes to flood risk reduction at a catchment scale. A particular focus was to use existing evidence on visitor numbers for NFM sites to produce monetary value estimates of the physical health benefit (in terms of avoided health costs) of being active in natural environments. The project tested methods for valuing benefits from common interventions in differing landscapes, and also developed a range of benefit values per hectare or per km. These values can be used for the assessment of benefits in other catchments. The Environment Agency will use the monetary values produced by this project within appraisals. By helping to embed integrated catchment management in flood risk management planning processes, the projects outputs will be useful for updating the existing flood risk appraisal guidance.

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